Set Up Files for Custom Applications

After you install the Inventor OEM SDK on your machine, reconfigure the interface of OEM to look like your application, and not Inventor.

Reconfigure your installed OEM to become the iBlock application. The iBlock sample program that is delivered as part of the OEM SDK illustrates most of the issues to address when you write an OEM application. Apply these same steps to configure OEM for your application, with the difference that it is your add-in, and the supporting files differ.

Before you begin, copy your add-in .dll, and .addin file, and any additional files that your add-in needs:

Copy your add-in .dll, and .addin file, and any additional files that your add-in needs

  1. Create a subfolder in the C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Inventor OEM 2014\Bin folder named "iBlock V2". Put any binaries that your application uses into this folder.
  2. Copy iBlock.dll from "SDK\Samples\iBlock\bin" to "Bin\iBlock V2".
  3. Copy Autodesk.iBlockOEMDemoApp.Inventor.addin from "SDK\Samples\iBlock" to:
    • Win7/Win8: "C:\PROGRAMDATA\Autodesk\Inventor OEM 2014\Addins"
    • WinXP: "C:\ALLUSERSPROFILE\Application Data\Autodesk\Inventor OEM 2014\Addins"
    • Note: If the Addins folder does not exist, create it.
  4. Copy the "iBlock Files" folder from "SDK\Samples\iBlock" to the folder in the following list that exists on your computer.
    Note: This step is not necessary for all add-ins. The iBlock application has a unique assembly template, and uses some other part files.
    • Win7/WIN8: "%PUBLIC%\Public Documents\Blocks R Us\iBlock V2 2014"
    • WinXP: "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents\Blocks R Us\iBlock V2 2014"


      "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Shared Documents\Blocks R Us\iBlock V2 2014"