

Returns point p as it would be represented in frame f. Alternatively, transforms p by the transform matrix equivalent to f.

Normally, Point objects are created relative to their local coordinate system. The user interface, however, always presents points relative to the world coordinate system. Thus, a point created by evaluating Point(1,0,0) in a Part whose localFrame is not at the origin may be reported as a point at 12,0,5 in world x-y-z coordinates.

Frames define coordinate systems. They are essentially transformation matrices from the "world" coordinate frame . Frames can be used to position Parts , but rules regarding frames are ignored when constraint-based positioning is used. This behavior is controlled by the ignorePosition? parameter, which is common to all positionable designs .


transformPoint ( p As Point, _
                 f As Frame ) As Frame 
Argument Type Description
p Point The point to be transformed.
f Frame The frame describing the transform.