Excel Document <ExcelDoc>


A design used to create a Microsoft Excel document.




Name Type Description
okToOverwrite? boolean Can the "OutputDocFileName" file be overwritten; default is True .
OutputDocFileName string The name of the output file.
OutputDocPath string The folder containing "OutputDocFileName"; default is the project location.
outputDocument string Full path of the output document; "OutputDocPath" and "OutputDocFileName" combined.
SaveAsFormat string The type of output file Excel generates. The default of "Excel" generates a XLS file, use "Excel 2007" for a XLSX file. See the "SaveAsFormats" rule for other options.
ShowReport? boolean Should the generated document be displayed when complete; the default is False .
TemplateDocPath string The folder containing "TemplateFileName"; default is the project location.
templateDocument string Full path of the template document; "TemplateDocPath" and "TemplateFileName" combined.
TemplateFileName string An Excel template to use for the document.


Name Type Description
SaveAsFormats list Formats that are valid for "SaveAsFormat". Excel 2007: xlsx Excel: xls HTML: htm Template: xlt Template 2007: xltx Text: txt DosText: txt WindowsText: txt CSV: csv DosCSV: csv WindowsCSV: csv Unicode: txt