

Returns a value of True if every item in list1 is also a member of list2.


subset? ( list1 As List, _
          list2 As List, _
          Optional key As Name = Identity, _
          Optional test As Name = Equal ) As List
Argument Type Description
list1 List the first list
list2 List the second list
key Name Optional; the name of function to be called with each item in the lists ; the function takes two arguments; the default is Identity.
test Name Optional; the name of test function to be applied to "key" results of items in the lists ; the function takes two arguments; the default is Equal.

Example 1

Intent >subset?({a, b, c}, {z, y, x, a, r, b, c}) 
--> True

Example 2

Intent >subset?({a, b, c, 33}, {z, y, x, a, r, b, c}) 
--> False