
Command line syntax

The command line syntax is as follows:

MakeIKB <destination> [<options>]


<destination> must be an IKB file. <destination> is required; there is no default. The extension must be included, and should be “ikb”. The file will always be created. Any existing file of the same name will be overwritten, without warning.


The syntax for options is:

/<option name>[<space><option value>]

Multiple options can be combined in the same command. Order does not matter for options.

Example usage:

MakeIKB “C:\temp\mybinary.ikb” /host inventor /l “C:\myDesigns”

Compiles all iks (version 3.0) files in C:\myDesigns into a single Intent binary file C:\temp\mybinary.ikb.


Switch that specifies the CAD host to use. The default value is none. If the Inventor host is specified, the ivHostLib library is added to the search path.

/host [inventor|none]

/l Library

/l “<directory or library name>”

Adds all designs and functions in the library to the IKB file. The library can either be an Intent named library, or a directory path.

/h Header comments

/h “<header comments>”

Includes everything in <header comments> into the human-readable header of the binary file. The string is limited to 256 characters. This can be used to include identification information in the binary file. There is no access from within Intent to this information.

? Help

MakeIKB ? will print a brief usage string to the command line.