

Saves the scene of the Document into image file.


iv_SaveImage ( doc As Part, _
               cameraFit? As Boolean, _
               cameraViewOrientation As Name, _
               cameraPerspective? As Boolean, _
               cameraPerspectiveAngle As Number, _
               cameraEye As Point, _
               cameraTarget As Point, _
               cameraUpVector As Vector, _
               cameraWidth As Number, _
               cameraHeight As Number, _
               fileName As String, _
               width As Integer, _ 
               height As Integer, _
               topColor As String, _
               bottomColor As String) As Boolean 
Argument Type Description
doc part Intent Part whose definition will be used for the image creation. The supported types include Inventor Assemblies and Parts.
cameraFit? boolean If set, the scene will be fit into the view
cameraViewOrientation name One of the predefined orientations:

:Front, :Top, :Right, :Back, :Bottom, :Left, :IsoTopRight, :IsoTopLeft,:IsoBottomRight, :IsoBottomLeft,



cameraPerspective? boolean Specifies Perspective or Parallel projection type
cameraPerspectiveAngle number Specifies the angle of the projection, for the perspective camera type
cameraEye point Position of the camera center. If Novalue , the current position is used
cameraTarget point Point the camera is looking at. If NoValue , this parameter is ignored
cameraUpVector vector Specifies the camera rotation along its axis. If NoValue , the current angle is used
cameraWidth number Width of the camera extent. Can be NoValue
cameraHeight number Height of the camera extent. Can be NoValue
filename string Image file name. The type of the image file (bmp, jpg, png, tiff, or gif) is implied based on the full file name..
width integer Width of the image, in pixels
height integer Height of the image, in pixels
topColor string Intent color string. Defines the top color of the gradient background. The value "default" can be used.
bottomColor string Intent color string. Defines the bottom color of the gradient background. The value "default" can be used.