

Writes the contents of the Inventor document into DWF file


writeDwfFile ( document As Part, _
               path As String, _
               Optional IncludeModel? As Boolean = True, _
               Optional Layouts As List = {}, _
               Optional options As String = "" ) As String 
Argument Type Description
document part Intent part that represents the component occurrence, document, or drawing sheet
path string Full path to the DWF file
IncludeModel? boolean Optional; if True (default), the model is included into output.
layouts list Optional; sheets to be included into output. List should contain the sheet names as strings, and an empty list ({}, default) means include all sheets.
options string Optional; additional options, default is "". Currently may contain password.

Example 1

Write the complete Intent model to a DWF file

Intent >writeDwfFile( Root, "c:\1.dwf")