

This function converts a string input to a variable of type Name . If the input String str contains spaces or other illegal characters, they will be replaced by the "_" character. Illegal characters include:
  • `
  • ~
  • !
  • @
  • #
  • $
  • ^
  • &
  • *
  • (
  • )
  • -
  • =
  • +
  • [
  • ]
  • {
  • }
  • \\
  • |
  • ;
  • :
  • '
  • \
  • "
  • ,
  • <
  • .
  • >
  • /
  • \t
  • \r
  • \n

Names are stored based on the first instance of an equivalent string encountered during a session. The next time a name is created for that string , the case of the first-encountered version is returned.


makeName ( str As String ) As Name
Argument Type Description
str String A string of characters.

Example 1

Intent >makeName("Convert to name") 
--> :Convert_to_name 
Intent >makeName("convert_to_name") 
--> :Convert_to_name 

Example 2

Intent >makeName("convert to name") 
--> :convert_to_name 
Intent >makeName("Convert_to_name") 
--> :convert_to_name 
Note: Examples 1 and 2 represent separate sessions. In each session, the case of the returned name matches the case of the first-encountered version.