

This design defines a basic two dimensional rectangle. Like Block, Rectangle supports a form of contraint behavior through the use of mating points . For more information, see the RectangleMixin design . The minimal requirements for creating an instance of a Rectangle are width (x-direction) and height (y-direction). A Rectangle can also be created by providing height, width and any one of the mating points .




See Also: RectangleMixin

and Polygon for a complete set of Canonicals, Parameters, Rules , Methods , and Group Rules .

Example 1

Name : Rectangle_Ex01
Design : acDrawingDocument
Child Name : Rectangle
Child Design : :Rectangle
Name Type Supplied
width number 3
height number 2
color string "jungle green"

Example 2

Name : Rectangle_Ex02
Design : acDrawingDocument
Child Name : Rectangle
Child Design : :Rectangle
Name Type Supplied
v00 point Point(0, 0, 0)
v11 point Point(4, 1, 0)
color string "navy blue"

Example 3

Name : Rectangle_Ex03
Design : acDrawingDocument
Child Name : bottom
Child Design : :Rectangle
Name Type Supplied
height number 3
width number 2
color string "plum"
Child Name : right
Child Design : :Rectangle
Name Type Supplied
v00 point bottom.v10
height number 2
width number 5
color string "blue"
xDirection vector unitZ
Child Name : diagonal
Child Design : :Rectangle
Name Type Supplied
v00 point bottom.v00
height number 1
width number dist(right.v10, bottom.v00)
color string "dandelion"
xDirection vector right.v10 - bottom.v00

Example 4

Child Name : Rectangle
Child Design : :Rectangle
Name Type Supplied
width number 3
height number 2
filletRadius number 0.5
color string "orange"