

This design contains the minimum set of rules needed to make an instantiable design . Any new design , which you want to directly instantiate, must include BaseDesign as a minimum. Mixin designs , which are not intended to be directly instantiated, do not need to include BaseDesign. However, the design into which they are mixed must ultimately include BaseDesign. Designs which mix in only BaseDesign and not BasePart are generally not viewable by Intent. To add or change rules on all designs globally, the BaseDesignModifier design can be overridden. Overriding the design can be accomplished by creating a new design with the name BaseDesignModifier and placing it in the project library or another library that has precedence over the kernel library. New rules can then be added to this design .




Name Type Description
givenName any An alternate name by which to reference the part. If supplied, the givenName must be unique among all the siblings. The givenName may be supplied as either a name or a string and appears in the assembly tree (unless displayName is also supplied).
Note: In order to reference a part by givenName you must set EnableHasChildNamed to 1.
displayName string Name of the part actually shown in the assembly tree. This name cannot be used as an alternative name in a reference. The default is partName.


Name Type Description
self part Provides the current part of the design .
children list Returns a list of parts representing the next level down in the hierarchy. This rule may be overridden by higher-level designs using the children() function or not, as desired.
isNull? boolean Returns True if this is an instance of a NullDesign.
refChain string Returns the reference chain to the part .
ruleName name Returns the name of the part . This may differ from the name that appears in the assembly tree if either givenName or displayName are supplied.
designName name Name of the part's design. The function returns the highest design in the hierarchy, not the mixin designs .
partParameters list Returns a list of names of the supplied parameters.
first? boolean Returns True if this is the last member of a child list .
childListLength integer Returns the number of members in the child list . If the child is not a member of a child list , NoValue is returned.
isChildListMember? boolean Returns True if this is a member of a child list .
last? boolean Returns True if this is the last member of a child list .
first part The first member of the child list . If the part is not a member of a child list , NoValue is returned.
previous part The previous member of the child list (e.g. child.index - 1). If the part is not a member of a child list , or the current child is the first member of the child list , NoValue is returned.
cyclicPrevious part Returns the previous member of the child list . If the current child is the first member of the child list , the last member of the child list is returned. If the part is not a member of a child list , NoValue is returned.
cyclicNext part Returns the next member of the child list . If the current child is the last member of the child list , the first member of the child list is returned. If the part is not a member of a child list , NoValue is returned.
next part The next member of the child list (e.g. child.index + 1). If the part is not a member of a child list , or the current child is the last member of the child list , NoValue is returned.
last part The last member of the child list . If the part is not a member of a child list , NoValue is returned.


hasRule?( ruleName As Name ) As Boolean
Use this method to determine if this design has a rule named ruleName.
isBound?( ruleName As Name ) As Boolean
Use this method to check and see if the rule on the design , ruleName, has been evaluated or not.
isKindOf?( designName As Name ) As Boolean
Use this method to determine if this part's design has a designName design mixed into it.
safeRef(ruleName As Any, Optional onErrorValue As Any = NoValue) As Any
Use this method to safely reference ruleName. If there is an error, onErrorValue is returned, which is NoValue by default.
safeRefMethod(ruleName As Any, args As List, Optional onErrorValue As Any = NoValue) As Any
Use this method to safely reference a method named ruleName. Pass the arguments in order in the args list . If there is an error, onErrorValue is returned, which is NoValue by default.

Example 1

Name : BaseDesign_Ex01
Design : acDrawingDocument
Name Type Formula
cost number
If me.isBound?(:costCalculated) Then 
End If
costEstimated number 5.0
costCalculated number 5.17

Example 2

Write part parameters out to a text file.

Name : BaseDesign_Ex02
Design : acDrawingDocument
Name Type Formula
childParams any
Dim f As User = openFile("C:\My Documents\Child part parameters.txt", :Write)
Write("Child part parameters:" & newline(), f) 
For Each prt In children 
  Write(" " & prt.designName & newline(), f) 
		Dim params As List = prt.partParameters 
		For Each param In params 
				Dim val As String = stringValue(ref(prt,param)) 
				Write(" " & param & " = " & val & newline(), f) 
		Next param 
Next prt 
Child Name : block_1
Child Design : :Block
Name Type Supplied
height number 42
length number 16
width number 10
v000 point Point(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
Child Name : block_2
Child Design : :Block
Name Type Supplied
height number 42
length number 16
width number 10
v000 point Point(12.0, 2.0, 0.0)
Child Name : block_3
Child Design : :Block
Name Type Supplied
height number 42
length number 16
width number 10
v000 point Point(24.0, 4.0, 0.0)