

Returns True if the testPoint is to the right of the line defined by p and v, as viewed from the positive normal.


onRight? ( testPoint As Point, _
           p As Point, _
           v As Vector, _
           normal As Vector ) As Boolean 
Argument Type Description
testPoint Point Point to test.
p Point Point that helps define the line reference geometry.
v Vector Vector that helps define the line reference geometry.
normal Vector Normal vector used to determine which side is right by the right hand rule.

Example 1

Intent >onRight?(point(-1,0,0), point(0,0,0), vector(0,1,0), vector(0,0,1)) 
--> False 
Using the right hand rule, the testpoint is in the negative direction of the cross product of the vector v and the normal vector .

Example 2

Intent >onRight?(point(0,1,0), point(0,0,0), vector(0,1,0), vector(0,0,1)) 
--> False 
If the testpoint is on the line described by the point , p and the vector , v, then the function returns False . The point must definitely be on the right of the line.