Combo Box <PEComboBox>


This controls the appearance and behavior within the parameter editor dialog, of a specific string , number , or integer parameter in an Intent part instance. The parameter is edited through a combo box.

Must be a child of a PartEditorConfiguration instance which is a child of the part instance whose rule is being edited.




Name Type Description
TargetRuleName name Required parameter specifying the rule for which this editor is used. (From PEBase)
DisplayName string Name shown in the parameter editor dialog for this rule . (From PEBase)
Category string Category of the rule in parameter editor dialog. (From PEBase)
PromptText string Prompt text displayed when the rule is edited. (From PEBase)
FormulaModeAllowed? boolean Controls if the rule can be edited in formula mode. (From PEBase)
ReadOnly? boolean Controls if the rule can be edited. (From PEBase)
Choices list The list of items shown in the combo box drop down for selection. The type of these items should match the type of associated rule .
AllowOther? boolean Controls if the value can be optionally typed in (Default is False ).