Intent Model Browser for Inventor Reference

The Intent Model browser displays when you open an Inventor assembly with an Intent model, or create one using a template. It displays the hierarchical structure of parts in the active Intent model. The Intent model browser is a dockable window, separate from the Inventor model browser.

The Options button at the top of the browser calls the Browser Options dialog box, with display options on tabs for Model tree, Properties, and Immediate.

Context menu in Intent model browser

Displays the following options when you right-click any element in the Intent model browser.

Specify the value of parameters in the selected part . Displays the Edit Parameters dialog box.
Add Child..
Add a child to the selected part . Displays the Add Child dialog box.
Edit Design
Edit the design source code for the selected part . Displays the Design Editor.
Delete the selected dynamic child part .
Edit Child Rule
Edit the child rule of the selected part . Displays Design Editor (if design child ) or Dynamic Rule Editor (if dynamic child ).
Convert to Design Rule
Convert the selected dynamic child part to a design rule in the parent design. Optionally displays the Design Editor.
Find in Window
Locate an object in the graphics window (object is zoomed and centered). Conversely, you can locate the Intent part in the model tree using Find in Intent Model in the context menu on any Intent-created Inventor geometry.
Edit Dynamic Rules... Edit the dynamic rules of the selected part. Displays the Dynamic Rule Editor.

Delete Dynamic Rules Delete the dynamic rules of the selected part. Reset all overridden parameters to their original design values.

Import Model File... Import an existing Intent model file (IKM) as a child of the selected part . Displays the Import Model File dialog box.

Export Model File... Export the selected part to an Intent model file (IKM). Displays the Export Model File dialog box.

Reload All Reloads all designs from disk. Useful when you change a design outside the Design Editor.