Change Intent Model

Change the behavior of the active Intent model in any of several ways.

  1. On the ribbon Tools tab, ETO panel, click Design Editor. In the Design Editor, edit the root design of the current model or a child .
  2. Click Parameters, and add or modify parameter values on an Intent part.
  3. Click Add Child, and add a dynamic child to the selected part ina model.
  4. Click Change Root Design, and replace the design of the top level assembly with a different design . Optionally, you can delete dynamic rules and dynamic children while changing the root design .
  5. Click Edit Child Rule, and in either the Design Editor (for a design child ) or the Dynamic Rule Editor (for a dynamic child ), display the source of the rule that creates the selected part .
  6. Click Advanced Edit Dynamic Rules, and view or edit the dynamic rules on the selected Intent part .
  7. Click Advanced Delete Dynamic Rules, and remove the dynamic rules on the selected Intent part.
  8. Click Advanced Import Model File, and import a previously exported model (*.ikm) file into the current model at the selected node .
  9. Click Advanced Revert All, to reload all design (*.iks) files from disk. Especially useful when modifying designs using an external editor.