

Connects to the ODBC database. Sufficient connection parameters should be defined in the connectString parameter.

Call odbc_DatabaseClose() when you are not using the connection to the database anymore.


odbc_databaseOpen ( connectString As String, _
                    Optional loginTimeout As Number = 15, _
                    Optional initialQueryTimeout As Number = 15, _
                    Optional ignoreErrors? As Boolean = False, _
                    Optional reuse? As Boolean = True, _
                    Optional useCursorLibrary? As Boolean = True, _
                    Optional readOnly As Boolean = False ) As User 
Argument Type Description
connectString string Connection string as per ODBC requirements
loginTimeout number Optional; login timeout in seconds; default is 15.
initialQueryTimeout number Optional; query timeout in seconds; default is 15.
ignoreErrors? boolean Optional; if the argument is True , then database errors are not reported as Intent exceptions; default is False .
reuse? boolean Optional; obsolete; default is True
useCursorLibrary? boolean Optional; specifies whether the ODBC Cursor Library DLL should be loaded. The cursor library masks some functionality of the underlying ODBC driver, effectively preventing the use of dynasets (if the driver supports them). The only cursors supported if the cursor library is loaded are static snapshots. Default is False .
readOnly boolean Optional; specifies whether the database connection should be opened in the read-only mode, thus preventing from modification of data; default is False .

Example 1

Opens the connection to the ODBC database

Dim db As User = odbc_databaseOpen( "ODBC;DSN=PEFRESULTS" ) 
'? Do your job 
'? and close database connection: 
odbc_databaseClose( db)