

This design defines a basic three dimensional cone. Cone is a solid and inherits rules from the design SolidMixin which includes typical mass properties associated with solid entities. The minimum requirements for creating an instance of a cone are height and radius.





Name Type Description
height number Height of the Cone along the Z axis from the basePoint to the topPoint
radius number Radius of the Cone in the XY plane measured at the basePoint


Name Type Description
topRadius number A topRadius of zero will produce a Cone with a pointed top. Values greater than zero will flatten the top of the Cone and the height of the Cone will measure to the flattened top.


Name Type Description
basePoint point Point at the center of the bottom face of the Cone.
topPoint point Point at the top of the cone. If the topRadius is greater than zero, then the topPoint is at the center of the top face.

Example 1

Name : cone_Ex01
Design : acDrawingDocument
Child Name : cone_1
Child Design : :Cone
Name Type Supplied
height number 3.5
radius number 2
color string "jungle green"

Example 2

Name : cone_Ex02
Design : acDrawingDocument
Child Name : cone_1
Child Design : :Cone
Name Type Supplied
2 number 2
radius number 2
topRadius number 1
referenceFrame frame frameXY(origin, unitZ, unitY)
color string "plum"

Example 3

Name : cone_Ex03
Design : acDrawingDocument
Name Type Formula
startOd number 3
endOd number 2
thk number 0.25
length number 1
%angle number atan((startOd - endOd) / 2 / length)
%thk number thk / cos(%angle)
Child Name : reducer
Child Design : :BooleanSolid
Name Type Supplied
operation name :difference
components list {od, id}
color string "blue"
Child Name : od
Child Design: :Cone
Name Type Supplied
height number length
radius number startOd / 2
topRadius number endOd / 2
referenceFrame frame frameXY(origin, -unitZ, unitY)
Child Name : od
Child Design : :Cone
Name Type Supplied
height number length
radius number od.radius - %thk
topRadius number od.topRadius - %thk
referenceFrame frame od.referenceFrame