Import Measurements

The second calculation step loads the measurements to the Survey database. You can import measurement groups, that means multiple files, each of which has been measured by one operator, using one instrument.

For example, in one measurement group you import multiple tachymeter files containing a polar mapping, and in another measurement group you import several GPS sessions.

For each set of import files, you specify the instrument. The import function reads the records of the import file, stores the measurements in the Survey database, and applies the a priori standard deviations, as specified in the instrument settings.

In the Survey database, you can edit the measurements, for example to correct any errors.

Note: If you want to edit the import files using the Edit button, you must assign an editor. For example, in File Explorer, open the File Properties, and under Opens With, select an editor.

Import Measurement


File Data Source area

Specifies the files to import.

File Format

Selects a file format. See also Survey - Supported File Formats

Files To Import

Displays the files to be imported into the current calculation project.

  • Click Add to open the Windows file selector, and select one or more files to import.
  • Select a file name in the Files To Import list, and click Remove, to remove the file from the list.
  • Select a file name in the Files To Import list, and click Edit to open the file in a text editor.

Attributes area

Specifies the properties for the measurement group.

Field Date

Specifies the date of measurement.


Mandatory. Specifies the instrument that has been used. The instrument settings are used to determine the standard deviation of the measurements. Click Manage to open the Instrument Manager. See also Instrument Manager.

To import control distance measurements, select Default Tape. See Importing Control Distance Files.


Mandatory. Specifies the surveyor. Click Manage to open the Operator Manager. See also Operator Manager.


Specifies a remark. For example, enter an appropriate description of the file content. After the import, the remark is displayed in the list of imported files.

Import button

Imports the selected files. The Import button is deactivated in the following cases.

  • Mandatory information is missing.
  • Files have already been imported. Click Show Imported Files to check.

The import loads the measurements into the database.

Show Measurement

Shows the imported data in a separate Measurement dialog box. For example, check the standard deviations. See also Measurement - Tachymeter and Measurement - Transformation and Measurement - Control Distance.

Show Imported Files

Opens the Imported Files dialog. See Imported Files.