Construction and calculation functions (COGO) can be used with enterprise industry models in AutoCAD Map 3D toolset and AutoCAD Map 3D 2022 toolset.
Construction functions have direct access to the enterprise industry model. Existing coordinates are retrieved and results are directly stored in the database.
Optionally you can generate detailed construction reports.
You can use the COGO commands in an industry model that is 3D-enabled, however the following commands do not support 3D: Arc Intersection, Orthogonal Calculation, Polar Calculation, Offset, Right Angle Course, Free Standpoint.
Projects can be created and configured with Infrastructure Administrator .
Construction functions work in close interaction with AutoCAD Map 3D toolset and AutoCAD Map 3D 2022 toolset commands. There is a frequent interchange between the Autodesk command line and the construction dialog boxes and you provide input to both.
These elements are enterprise industry model features and are stored in the database.
If you press <ESC> instead of selecting an element, the construction dialog box is displayed immediately without prompting.
Some construction functions have no dialog box and run completely through the command line.