Survey File Formats - Examples

Leica GSI formats

The supported GSI file formats are based on the Leica GSI specification, and contain user defined parameters. The code lines must follow the measurement lines.

Leica GSI 16

*410000+0000000000070403 42....+0000000000001400 43....+0000000000000001 44....+0000000000000011 45....+0000000000001600 <EOL>
*410000+0000000000003432 42....+0000000000002238 43....+0000000000000002 44....+0000000000000015 45....+0000000000000950 <EOL>

Leica GSI 8

410001+00130027 42....+00001810 43....+00000010 44....+00000019 45....+00000000 <EOL>
110002+00130021 21.102+19723700 22.102+10000000 31..00+00045179 51....+0000+000 <EOL>
410003+00000012 42....+00001810 43....+00000013 <EOL>

CPlan RO format

***=-------------------------------------------------------------------=-------- <EOL>
*   Tachymeter                                                         !         <EOL>
***>---------=---------=-----=-----------=-----------=--------=--------+         <EOL>
*  !  ST/AP  !    NP   ! FC  !  zh/lv/qv !  Distance! Hz-Angle! V-Angle!         <EOL>
*  >---------+---------+-----+-----------+-----------+--------+--------<         <EOL>
 ST:23340015 !         :12   !  ih:1.5   !      dc:2 !        !   hc:2 !         <EOL>
 AP:23340030 !         !12   !           :300.027    :.242    :99.2955 !         <EOL>
 AP:23340034 !         !12   !           :183.928    :80.054  :99.5431 !         <EOL>
 NP!         : 2234323 :10   !           :17.305     :137.625 :101.655 !         <EOL>
 NP!         : 2225327 :10   !           :79.41      :84.444  :98.14   !         <EOL>
 NP!         : 2223458 :10   !  lv -.85  :112.032    :69.669  :99.818  !         <EOL>
***>---------=---------=---=-=-----------=-----------=--------=--------+-------- <EOL>
*  ! GPS / Transformation                                                      ! <EOL>
***>---------=---------=-----------------=-----------=-----------------+         <EOL>
*  !         ! Ident   ! FC! ! Easting   ! Northing  !        ! Height !         <EOL>
***>---------+---------+---+-+-----------+-----------+--------+--------!         <EOL>
 K !         !   423107! 10!3! 495462.812! 391220.658!        !        !         <EOL>
 K !         !   583028! 10!3! 495439.080! 391229.600!        !        !         <EOL>
 K !         !   583029! 10!3! 495459.861! 391235.422!        !        !         <EOL>
***=-------------------------------------------------------------------=         <EOL>
*  ! Control Distance                                                  !         <EOL>
***>---------=---------=-----------------=-----------=-----------------+         <EOL>
*  ! Ident A ! Ident B !                 !  distance ! FC A! FC B!     !         <EOL>
***>---------+---------+-----------------+-----------+-----+-----+-----!         <EOL>
 KO:  5001   !  5003   :                 !  27.34    !  1  !  1  !     !         <EOL>
 KO:  5002   !  5011   :                 !  123.56   !  1  !  1  !     !         <EOL>
key (position) description
* (1) Indicates a comment line.
  Lines have 80 characters.
ST (2-3)

station, base point

FS (2-3)

free station, new base point

AP (2-3)

connecting point (base point, face 1)

A2 (2-3)

connecting point (base point, face 2)

NP (2-3)

new detail point, face 1

N2 (2-3)

new detail point, face 2

K (2-3)

point coordinates (transformation, GPS)


See also Storing the Measurements.

KO (2-3)

Indicates a control distance measurement.