This tutorial demonstrates the following ways to analyze data in AutoCAD Map 3D toolset:
Connect to a surface (DEM) image and style it using a theme to show relative elevation. Then, connect to a file that shows parcel information and make the parcels semi-transparent so you can see the raster image below them. The elevation theme of the raster helps you see the elevation of the parcels.
Join a Microsoft Access database to a parcels layer to see information about the parcel owners. Joins combine data sources temporarily, without altering the original data stores. Use the combined data as though it were a single data source. For example, style a layer based on its joined data, even though the joined data is not part of the original layer data store. Create calculated fields using native and joined data.
Define a buffer around a street to see which parcels lie within a construction zone. Select the parcels that adjoin the buffer and save them separately so you can notify their owners, using the owner information you joined to the parcels.
Export relevant data to a comma-separated file that you can import into Microsoft Excel or Access. Use that data to create a report to send to the owners.
Overlay a flood zone layer with a layer representing the business zone. Add a roads layer to see which streets in the business zone lie within the flood zone. Add a layer representing hospitals to see which areas are the furthest from help if the area floods.
Expand a predefined workflow that saves Display Manager layers to .layer files. Use AutoCAD commands to edit the layers first, check in your changes, and then save the results to .layer files.