Exercise 2: Add data to your map

Connect to data files representing the city boundaries and roads.

Note: This exercise uses the map you created in the previous exercise.
  1. If the map you created is not open in AutoCAD Map 3D toolset, reopen it.
  2. Add the city boundary data to your map.
    • Switch the Task Pane to Display Manager.
    • Click Data and choose Connect To Data.
    • In the Data Connect window, under Data Connections By Provider (on the left), select Add SDF Connection.
    • Under Source File (on the right), click the browse button and navigate to the sample City_Boundary.sdf file. Click Connect.
    • Under Schema, click Add To Map.
  3. Add the road data to your map.
    • In the Data Connect window, under Data Connections By Provider (on the left), select Add SHP Connection.
    • Under Source File (on the right), click the browse button and navigate to the sample Roads.shp file. Click Connect.
    • Click Add To Map.
    • Close the Data Connect window.
  4. Save the map using the name MyMap.dwg.

Where you are now

You created a map and connected to feature sources for the city boundaries and the roads of Redding, California.

To continue this tutorial, go to Lesson 2: Customize a Map Book Template.