Exercise 3: Style the new feature classes

You can use the geospatial features of AutoCAD Map 3D toolset to style the feature classes.


This exercise uses the map you created in Exercise 1: Connect to the resulting SDF file.

To style the feature classes

  1. If the map you created in the previous exercise is not still open, reopen it.
  2. In Display Manager, click the Parcels layer and click Style.
  3. In the Style Editor, click in the Style field.
  4. In the Style Polygon dialog box, select the fill element for the style.
  5. Change the Fill Color to a light brown and click Apply and then Close.
  6. With the Style Editor still open, click the Roads layer in Display Manager.
  7. In the Style Editor, do the following:
    • Click the browse button next to the Feature Label field.
    • In the Style Label dialog box, click Add Label.
    • From the Text Content list, select ST_NAME. Click Apply and then Close.
    • In the Style Editor, click in the Style field.
    • In the Style Line dialog box, change the Color to a dark gray. Click Apply and then Close.
  8. With the Style Editor still open, click the Signals layer in Display Manager.
  9. In the Style Editor, click in the Style field.
  10. In the Style Point dialog box, do the following:
    • For Symbol, select the square symbol.
    • Change the Fill Color and Edge Color to a light gray.
    • Click Apply and then Close.
  11. Close the Style Editor.

The map is now styled with the colors and symbols you chose. The roads are labeled with their street names. The original data is unaffected by these styling changes.

Where you are now

You used object classes to export the drawing objects to a geospatial format.

To learn about guidelines to follow when using object classification, go to Object Classification: Best Practices.