Exercise 2: Use Bulk Copy to move an SDF layer to SHP format

Copy the Roads layer from SDF format to SHP format using the Bulk Copy feature.


This exercise uses the map you created with the map2d.dwt template and modified in Exercise 1: Connect to a new SHP file folder.

To copy the Roads layer to SHP format

  1. In the Task pane, switch to Map Explorer. Select the SDF_1 schema.
  2. Click ToolsBulk Copy.

    Use Bulk Copy to convert data from one geospatial format to another.

  3. On the left side of the Bulk Copy dialog box, for Source, select the SDF_1 connection.
  4. In the list that displays on the left side of the window, select the box for Schema1.
  5. On the right side of the Bulk Copy window, for Target, select the SHP_1 connection.
  6. Under Ignore The Following Errors During The Copy Process, select all the items.
  7. Click Copy Now.

    If you see messages indicating that some property names are too long, shorten them and click Copy Now again.

    Copy the data from SDF format to SHP format.

  8. On the Continue Bulk Copy message, click Continue Bulk Copy.

    The data from the SDF file is copied to the new SHP file.

  9. Click OK on the Bulk Copy Results message and close the Bulk Copy dialog box.
  10. Close the drawing.
  11. Open the folder you created for the SHP files. It contains a set of files for each feature you copied.

Where you are now

You copied the data from your SDF layers to SHP format.

To continue this tutorial, go to Lesson 4: Importing SDF Files as DWG Layers.