User Administration dialog box

Use this dialog box to add or delete users or modify user settings

Do any of the following:

User List

View all users set up for AutoCAD Map 3D toolset.

Login Name box

Specify the login name for the user.

  • Each login name must be unique.
  • Login names are not case-sensitive.
  • The login name cannot contain spaces or any of the following characters.

    " / \ [ ] ; : | = , + ? < >

Password box

Specify the password for the user.

  • Passwords are case-sensitive.
  • Passwords cannot contain spaces.

For a new user, you can set the password to PASSWORD and have the user change it.

To be effective, passwords should have a combination of numbers and uppercase and lowercase letters.


Select privileges for the user.


Let the user perform user administration tasks, set system options, and perform any other AutoCAD Map 3D toolset operation.

Alter Drawing Set

Let the user attach and detach drawings. If this option is not selected, the user can activate and deactivate drawings, but cannot attach and detach them.

Alter Object Class

Let the user define and edit object class definitions. If this option is not selected, users can only assign object classes and change the current feature definition file.

Edit Drawing

Let the user edit objects and save them back to source drawings. If this option is not selected, the user can edit objects but cannot save them back to source drawings.

Draw Query

Let the user execute Draw mode queries, which copy objects into the current drawing. If this option is not selected, users can do Preview and Report mode queries only.