Create Network Topology - Select Links dialog box

Use this dialog box to select the links for a network topology.

Select the links to include in the topology. You can select all links in the map or select them manually. You can also filter (restrict) link selection to a subset of links, in which you include only the links that are on specified layers and in specified object classes.

Link information is stored as object data and saved with the map. Each link is given a unique ID number, which is automatically processed whenever you use a topology command.

Select All

Include all links that meet the filter criteria.

Select Manually

Include only the links that you manually select in the map. Click Select Objects to select the links. Only links that meet the filter criteria will be selected.


Specify the layers to use to filter (restrict) link selection to a subset of links, in which you include only the links that are on the specified layers. This filter is used for both automatic and manual selection of objects. To select from a list of layers in the map, click Select Layers. To use all layers, enter an asterisk (*) or leave the box blank.

Object Classes

Specify the object classes to use to filter (restrict) link selection to a subset of links, in which you include only the links that are in the specified object classes. To select from a list of object classes in the map, click Select Object Classes. To use all object classes, enter an asterisk (*) or leave the box blank.


Close the dialog box without creating the topology.


Display the previous dialog box in the list.


Click to display the Create Network Topology - Select Nodes dialog box.


Create the topology using the current settings. Enter a unique name for the topology and click Finish.