Use this dialog box to add, activate, merge, or drop versions for a data store to which you are currently connected. When you save or discard a version, all features in the drawing that were queried from that version are removed from the drawing. You cannot undo saving or discarding a version.
If an error occurs during a version-management operation, the affected item in the dialog box displays an error indicator. To see the cause of the error, hold your cursor over this indicator. If you create a version and the operation fails, you will see a new version with an error indicator. The version has not really been created. It is a placeholder to display the error. Errors remain visible until you close the dialog box, fix the errors, and redisplay the dialog box.
For more information about versions, see To Work With Versions.
Create a new child version under the selected version in the Version tree.
Make the selected version the active one. Switching versions can take some time to execute, because the data store may need to flush and reload the feature cache.
Commit your edits to the selected version. This option is available for child versions only. You are given the option to Merge or Merge and Drop a version. If you choose to merge the active version, its parent version is activated and then the selected version is merged. The Merge and Drop option differs in that it removes the active version from the Version tree upon completion.
You cannot Merge or Merge and Drop a version if it has children, or if it has checked-out features. Unlock any checked-out features by checking them in or cancelling check out.
Discard the selected version. When you drop a version, all edits saved to that version are discarded. This option is available for child versions only. If you drop the active version, its parent version is activated and then the selected version is dropped and removed from the Version tree.
You cannot drop a version if it has children or if it has checked-out features. Unlock any checked-out features by checking them in or cancelling check out.
View and select versions in the current data store. Each entry displays the date and time it was created, its creator, and any comments entered at creation time. Right-click any version entry to add, activate, merge, or drop it.