Contact Information Editor (FGDC Metadata)


Information about each field is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box when you click in the field.

To Edit a Compound Metadata Element

In the Display Manager, select a layer. Click ToolsView Metadata.

Contact information is part of the Distribution section of the FGDC specification. The Distribution section is conditional (mandatory if applicable). The requirements for individual elements and compound elements assume you will include contact information in your metadata. It is mandatory if you include contact information.

FGDC Field ID Field Title Short Name Data Type
10.1 Primary contact cntperp Select one of two choices
10.1.1 Person name cntper String
10.1.2 Organization cntorg String
10.3 Contact position cntpos String
10.4.1 Address type addrtype Menu choice
10.4.2 Address address String
10.4.3 City city String
10.4.4 State or province state String
10.4.5 Postal code postal String
10.4.6 Country country String
10.5 Contact voice phone cntvoice String
10.6 TDD/TTY telephone cnttdd String
10.7 Facsimile telephone cntfax String
10.8 E-mail address cntemail String
10.9 Hours of Service hours String
10.10 Contact instructions cntinst String