Thematic Mapping dialog box

Use this dialog box to specify the data you will use for the theme and the ways in which you want to stylize the objects.

Data Values

Specify whether the data for this theme is a set of distinct, specific values, or whether it is a set of values that can be broken into ranges. Then specify the data to use.

Theme Type

Select one of the following:

  • A Set of Specific Values: Choose this option if each item in this element has a distinct value, for example, different types of pipe material or land use designations. This option is appropriate for string and integer data.
  • A Range of Numeric Values: Choose this option if the values can be grouped into ranges, for example, property values, temperature, or population. This is appropriate for numeric data only.

Displays either the Thematic Values dialog box or the Ranges of Values dialog box, where you specify the data source to use for the values and the specific values to use.

Thematic Details

Specify the properties to style and the styles for each range or value in this theme.


Select ways to style the objects.

  • In the column heading, select the check boxes for the properties to style.
  • Click a cell in a style column to edit the style for a specific value.
  • Click a cell in the Legend column to edit the text for each value in the map legend.
  • To reverse the order of rows in the selected column, right-click a column heading and click Flip. Flip is available for all columns except Values and Legend.
  • To change the value of a particular range, click a cell in the Values column and edit the number. To redefine all of the values, click the Values button.
Hide Unused Columns

Hide any columns that are not selected.


Select from a list of pre-built style sequences, for example a set of color gradations, hatch patterns, or linestyles.

Scale Ramp to Fit

Divides the selected ramp sequence into equal intervals according to the number of values. If you do not select this option, the ramp styles are applied in sequence, up to the number of values that you have.