Create Network Topology - Create New Nodes dialog box

Use this dialog box to create node objects at the endpoint of links when you create a network topology.

Create New Nodes

Specify whether or not to create nodes in the current object to complete the topology. (Nodes are optional.)


If new nodes are created, you can specify a new layer or click the down arrow to select from a list of layers in the drawing set.

Point Object for Node Creation

If new nodes are created, specify what block to use to create them.

  • To create nodes using a block defined in the drawing set, click the down arrow and select from the list.
  • To create nodes using a block saved as a DWG file, click Browse, and select the file you want to use. Selecting this file will insert the entire DWG as a single block.
  • To create nodes as a point, select ACAD_POINT.

Close the dialog box without creating the topology.


Display the previous dialog box in the list.


Disabled because this is the last dialog box in the list.


Create the topology using the current settings. Enter a unique name for the topology and click Finish.