If you have text in your drawing that matches information in a table, use this dialog to automatically create links based on the matched information. You can create links to an external database table or to an object data table stored with the current drawing.
Select a linkage type. Set options for that type. After you click OK, you are prompted to select the blocks, text, enclosed blocks, or enclosed text.
You cannot create links to objects on layers that are locked, frozen, or turned off.
If you are creating links to blocks or enclosed blocks, select the name of the block.
For each key field in the link template, select a tag from the block attribute. You can assign a tag to only one key field. (If you are creating links to enclosed text, skip this step.)
Use the insertion point of the text or block as the default label point for the object.
Select the table or the link template for the database table containing the matching data. The complete record is linked to the object.
Specify whether you are linking to object data or an external database.
Create records in an object data table stored with the current drawing. These new records are attached to the objects.
Create links to an external database table. Select a Database Validation option to specify whether to link only to existing records or to create new records.
Select a linkage type.
After you click OK, you are prompted to select the blocks, text, enclosed blocks, or enclosed text.
Create links from block attribute data. The links are created on the blocks themselves.
Create links from text. The link data is stored on the text object.
Create links from block attribute data. The links are created on the polyline that encloses the block. Blocks that are not enclosed by a polyline are not linked.
Create links from text that lies within a closed polyline. The links are created on the closed polyline that encloses the text. Text that is not enclosed by a polyline is not linked.
If you are creating links to an external table, select a validation option.
Create links without checking the database.
Create a link only where the text or attribute tag value matches an existing record's key field value. If you are creating links to an Excel spreadsheet, the selected link template must point to a named range and not to a worksheet.
Create a new record in the table if no existing record matches. The new record will have the key field values filled in, but other fields will be blank.