Create Polygon Topology - Set Error Markers dialog box

Use this dialog box to specify how to mark errors in your polygon topology. If you mark errors with blocks, specify the size, shape, and color of the marker blocks.

AutoCAD Map 3D toolset automatically checks for missing centroids and intersections. These are considered serious errors and if detected, prevent topology creation. You can choose whether you want Map to check for other potential problems, including duplicate objects, incomplete areas, and sliver polygons.

Marker Parameters

Specify whether or not to highlight errors and/or mark them with blocks. Also specify the marker size.

Highlight Errors

Highlight errors in red (nodes or centroids are highlighted with a red X). To remove the highlighting, use the REDRAW, REGEN, or SAVE command.

Mark Errors With Blocks

Mark errors with blocks of the shape and color you specify below. To remove a marker block, select it and then press Delete.

Marker Size

Specify the marker size as a percent of the screen size. A value between 3% and 7% is usually suitable.

Missing Centroids

Mark each area with a missing centroid with a block of the shape and color you specify. This option is disabled if you selected the Create Missing Centroids option on the previous dialog box.


Mark each duplicate object with a block of the shape and color you specify.

Duplicate Centroids

Select the check box to mark each area in the drawing with more than one centroid. If you don't select the check box, AutoCAD Map 3D toolset creates a topology even if an area contains more than one point object which qualifies to be a centroid. The topology data is added to only one of the centroid objects.

Incomplete Areas

Select the check box to detect links that are not part of a closed area. If you don't select this option, AutoCAD Map 3D toolset ignores links that are not part of a closed area and they do not receive any topology data.

Highlight Sliver Polygons

Select the check box to check for sliver polygons and mark their centroids with red Xs. Sliver polygons are long, thin polygons, which can occur if data is digitized or drawn inaccurately. Map will create your topology regardless of the sliver polygons, but you should check that your data is accurate.


Close the dialog box without creating the topology.


Display the previous dialog box in the list.


Disabled because this is the last dialog box in the list.


Create the topology using the current settings.