Use the workflow activity input dialog boxes to specify or change the parameters for a workflow activity.
The Workflow Designer includes activity dialog boxes for the following activities. For detailed information about utility activities, see the Windows Workflow Foundation documentation.
Utility Activities
Insert activities that are not AutoCAD Map 3D toolset-specific. These activities include:
- Describe Directory
Loops through all the files in a specified folder, allowing you to execute an operation on each one. You can include a filter definition to select a subset of files.
- For Each
(Beta) Loops through a set of retrieved objects to perform an operation on each of them. For example, save each retrieved feature layer to an SDF file. In the Windows Workflow Foundation, this activity is called Replicator. Do not use this option unless you have experience in C# programming or Microsoft workflow technology. To set parameters for this activity, click
in the Workflow Designer toolbar. In the Properties palette that displays, click the cell for the parameter to set. Click the browse button that appears to select parameters from a list, if available.
- If Else
(Beta) Selects a statement for execution based on the value of a Boolean expression. Do not use this option unless you have experience in C# programming or Microsoft workflow technology. To set parameters for this activity, click
in the Workflow Designer toolbar. In the Properties palette that displays, click the cell for the parameter to set. Click the browse button that appears to select parameters from a list, if available.
- Parallel
Activities that enclose sets of serial activities. Each set can run independently of the other. For example, when adding connection activities, add them inside a parallel activity. That way, if one connection fails, others can still execute.
- Prompt User
Specifies a Yes/No dialog box to display at this point in the run-time workflow. For example, you can create a prompt whose title bar reads “Warning,” and contains the text: “The workflow will now convert your SHP files to SDF format. Continue?”
- Sequence
Activities that enclose sets of activities. Each set is performed in sequence, and if one activity in the sequence fails, the others cannot execute. For example, if a connection fails, a subsequent layer-creation activity that requires that connection cannot execute.
- While
(Beta) Executes a statement or a block of statements until a specified expression evaluates to false. Do not use this option unless you have experience in C# programming or Microsoft workflow technology. To set parameters for this activity, click
in the Workflow Designer toolbar. In the Properties palette that displays, click the cell for the parameter to set. Click the browse button that appears to select parameters from a list, if available.
AutoCAD Map 3D Toolset Activities
Insert AutoCAD Map 3D toolset-specific activities. Click the activity name listed here to see a full description of its parameters.
- Add Feature Layer: Creates a Display Manager layer using the specified data store connection. For an overlay that specifies feature layers, you must include this activity.
- Add Group: Creates a group with the specified name.
- Add Map: Adds the specified display map to the current map file. You can change the display to show the new map.
- Change Feature Layer Properties: Changes certain properties for the specified layer.
- Change Feature Layer Symbol: Sets the styling parameters for the specified feature layer.
- Change Group Properties: Changes the visibility, name, and parent group of a specified group in the Display Manager.
- Connect to Data Store: Connects to the specified data store but does not add data to the map. For an overlay that specifies feature classes, rather than layers, this activity is sufficient (you do not have to create a layer).
- Create Buffer Layer: Analyzes features by proximity. Specify a geospatial feature in your map and the distance for the buffer. AutoCAD Map 3D toolset creates a polygon around the feature or features you have selected at the distance you specify. It saves the buffer polygon to a new layer.
- Display Feature Attributes: Displays the Data Table for the specified feature and selection set.
- Highlight Features/Remove Highlighting: Highlights specified features in the map (or removes highlighting from any features that are already highlighted).
- List Current Connections: Lists the names of connections in the current map. You cannot specify parameters for this activity, other than a Display Name.
- List Feature Classes: Lists the feature classes for the specified data store connection in the current map.
- List Feature Layer Properties: Lists the name of the specified layer in Display Manager, as well as any group it belongs to.
- Load Layer File: Adds a saved .layer file to the map. When you load a .layer file, AutoCAD Map 3D toolset adds the source file to Map Explorer, creates the connection, adds the feature layer to the Display Manager, and styles the layer correctly.
- Perform Overlay: Compares the spatial relationship of two layers or feature classes.
- Remove Connection: Removes the specified connection to a data source.
- Remove Feature Layer: Removes the specified feature layer.
- Remove Group: Removes the specified group.
Remove Map : Deletes the specified display map from the current map file.
- Rename Map: Specifies a different name for the specified display map.
- Execute AutoCAD Command: Executes any AutoCAD command-line instruction supported by AutoCAD Map 3D toolset. If the command requires a selection set or displays a dialog box, the workflow pauses (during run time) to allow for selection or input.
- Run Workflow: Invokes another workflow at this point in the current workflow.
- Save Layer File: Saves a Display Manager layer to a .layer file. You can save layers from all display maps in your map file.
- Select Features: Selects individual features in the current display map. You can select the features by layer, by location, or by prompting for a manual selection at workflow run time.
- Switch Map: Changes the current display to the specified display map.
- Zoom To Extents: Zooms to the extents of the specified target.