Use this dialog box to specify how drawing objects found in a query will be modified as they are brought into the current drawing.
You can alter object properties such as color, layer, block name, or thickness, or you can add text to objects. In addition, you can create a range table that modifies objects in different ways based on where they fall in a range of values.
Property alteration is a fast way to modify a group of objects. For example, make objects stand out in their source drawings by adding color or hatch, move a group of objects to a new layer, or add informational text.
To have a property alteration take effect, execute a Draw mode query. Property alterations do not work in Preview or Report mode queries.
To save property alterations back to source drawings, add the objects to the save set.
View all expressions in the property alteration list.
Copy the selected expression to the expression section of the dialog box, where you can modify it.
Delete the selected expression.
Remove all expressions from the Current Property Alterations list.
Select the property to alter.
To change the color of retrieved blocks, the color of the components of the source drawing block must be BYBLOCK. Otherwise, the block retains its original colors.
Color alterations on a bitonal raster image affect both the image and the boundary. On multiple color raster images, the alteration affects only the boundary.
Select the property to alter.
Display the Define Text dialog box, where you specify text to add, and its height, insertion point, justification, text style, layer, color, and rotation.
Display the Hatch Options dialog box, where you specify the hatch to add.
Use this area to create or modify an expression that defines how you want to alter a property on objects that are found by the query.
To modify an existing expression, select it in the Current Property Alterations list. Click Edit. When you finish modifying the expression, click Update.
To create a new expression, enter the expression in the Expression box. Use Values, Property, Data, and SQL to help you create the expression. When you are done, click Add.
Each expression must list the property to modify, and how to modify it. To modify objects based on where they fall in a range of values, select an existing range table from the Range list, or create a new table using the Ranges.
Enter the expression to add to the Current Property Alterations list.
Display the current range table.
To see a list of all range tables defined in the current drawing, click the down arrow.
Display the Define Range Table dialog box, where you can create a new range table.
Add the current expression to the Current Property Alterations list.
Update the edited expression in the Current Property Alterations list.
For the property selected in the Select Property area, display all values in the active drawings.
Display the Property Alteration Expression dialog box, which lists all properties, object data fields, and SQL link template fields in the active source drawings.