Data Condition dialog box

Use this dialog box to create or modify a data condition in a query.

A data condition searches data that you have attached to drawing objects.

Object Class / Object Properties / Database Link / Object Data / Attribute options

Select the data to query.

  • To search data associated with a object class, select Object Class. Select an object class from the Class list. Select the property.

    To search all subclasses of the selected object class, select Include Subclasses. If this option is not selected, only data in objects tagged with the selected object class is searched.

  • To search data stored in custom objects, select Object Properties. When selected, you can choose from a list of all object types and properties defined either in all source drawings or in the current drawing, depending on whether the source or current drawing is queried.

    To search all subclasses of the selected object type and/or property, select Include Subclasses. If this checkbox is cleared, the query will be limited. Select Include Subclasses when running an Object Properties query.

  • To search data in link data stored on an object, select Database Link. Select the link template from the Link Templates list. Select the key column. This option searches only the link data stored on objects. To search the database table, use a SQL condition.
  • To search data in an object data table, select Object Data. Select a table from the Tables list. Select the object data field.

    If two source drawings have a table with the same name, AutoCAD Map 3D toolset recognizes only the fields defined in the first drawing you activate.

  • To search data in a block attribute, select Attribute. Select a block from the Blocks list. Select the attribute tag.

The lists you select from (for example the Link Templates list and the Object Data list) display only the information available in the sources you are querying. For example, if you are querying database links in your source (attached) drawings, the Link Templates list displays only the link templates in your source drawings.

Operator list

Select an operator from the list.

Operator Description
= The value of the selected property or data is equal to the value you enter the Value box.
> The value of the selected property or data is greater than the value you enter the Value box.
>= The value of the selected property or data is greater than or equal to the value you enter the Value box.
< The value of the selected property or data is less than the value you enter the Value box.
<= The value of the selected property or data is less than or equal to the value you enter the Value box.
<> The value of the selected property or data is not equal to the value you enter the Value box.

If you are querying database link data, only the = (equals) operator is available.

Value box

Specify the value to search for. You can use wild-card characters.

To enter a value that includes a comma, such as an RGB color or a Colorbook color, enclose the value in double quotes, for example, "255,255,255" or "PANTONE(R) process coated,PANTONE Process Cyan C".