ProSound Extension

ProSound introduced in 3ds Max 2010 is an advanced SoundClass object supporting up to 100 sound tracks.

It can be used in place of the DefaultSoundClassobject that has been shipping with 3ds Max since its first release.

The ProSound:SoundClass object exposes a large number of MAXScript functions for controlling its settings.

Before ProSound can be used, it has to be initialized first. This is done by calling the function 'prosound.init true'.

This ensures that ProSound is loaded and that all required values are initialized.

The argument to the prosound.init() function preserves any sound file already assigned to the Standard Sound Object that is being replaced by ProSound.

The script below will list the audio files that are loaded in ProSound.


   if not prosound.isactive() do prosound.init true
   tracks =prosound.numtracks()
   for i = 1 to tracks do
     print (if fname !="" then fname else "Filename Error")