Interface: HubFPInterface

This Interface is exposed by the HubTrans Controller of 3ds Max CAT.

Interface: HubFPInterface


.PinHub: boolean : Read|Write      

Get/set the Hub Pin state.



Collapses the poste to the current layer.

<void>CollapseTimeRangeToCurrLayer <time>StartTime <time>EndTime <time>Frequency 

Collapses to the current layer the time range defined by the first and second arguments using sampling frequency provided by the third argument.

<void>AddArm AddCollarbone:<boolean>  AddPalm:<boolean> 

AddCollarbone default value: true
AddPalmdefaultvalue: true

Adds an Arm to the Hub.

<void>AddLeg  AddCollarbone:<boolean>  AddAnkle:<boolean> 

AddCollarbonedefault value: false
AddAnkledefaultvalue: true

Adds an Leg to the Hub.

<void>AddSpine NumBones:<integer> 

NumBonesdefaultvalue: 5

Adds a Spine to the Hub.

<void>AddTail NumBones:<integer> 

NumBonesdefaultvalue: 5

Adds a Tail to the Hub.

If the optional NumBones keyword argument is supplied, the tail will contain the specified number of bones. If the argument is not supplied, it will default to 5.

Exposed by

HubTrans : Matrix3Controller