This topic covers the load and save methods for motion, figure, score, keys, motion capture, and talent files.
biped.loadBipFile <biped_ctrl> <file_name> [#matchFileStruct] [#zeroHgt] [#noRedraw] [#loadMaxObjects][#promptForDuplicates] [#retargetHeight] [#retargetLimbSizes] [#scaleIKObjectSize] [#loadSubAnimControllers] [#loadSelectedMaxObjects nodename_array] [#loadSelectedSubAnimControllers bipednodename_array int_array]
Load a biped motion file. Motion files include, footsteps, keyframe settings, the biped scale, and the active gravity value (GravAccel). IK Blend values for the keys and Object Space Object information are also loaded. This method will generate a runtime error if run while the biped is in Figure, Footstep, or Motion Flow modes.
The optional arguments are:
Restructure biped to match file
Set lowest starting foot height to Z=0
Don’t redraw viewports after load
Load MAX objects
Prompt for duplicates
Retarget based on height
Retarget based on limb sizes
Scale IK object’s size
Load List controllers
#loadSelectedMaxObjects #loadSelectedSubAnimControllers
The loadBipFile function call was modified in 3ds Max7 to handle selecting which max objects or subanims you wish to load.
For the selected objects, you pass in an array of strings of the nodes you wish to load.For the selected subanims you wish to load, you pass in array of string names of the biped nodes and a corresponding array of integers which specify which subanim (0= pos, 1 = rot, 2= scale).
biped.saveBipFile <biped_ctrl> <file_name> [#saveSubAnimControllers] [#saveMaxObjects] [#saveSelectedMaxObjects node_array] [#saveSelectedSubAnimControllers node_array int_array ]
Save a biped motion file. A.bip file includes footsteps and keyframe data. Biped files store the complete movement and allow you to create libraries of motion. Create your own .bip library by animating the biped and saving a .bip file. This method will generate a runtime error if run while the biped is in Figure, Footstep, or Motion Flow modes. If the Biped contains footstep animation, the entire animation is always saved.
The optional arguments are:
Save MAX objects
Save List controllers
#saveSelectedMaxObjects #saveSelectedSubAnimControllers
The saveBipFile and saveBipFileSegment functions in 3ds Max7 and higher let you selectively pick objects and subanims to save.
For the selected objects, you pass in an array of strings of the nodes you wish to save. For the subanims you wish to save you pass in an array of biped nodes and an array of corresponding subanim integers.
biped.saveBipFileSegment <biped_ctrl> <file_name> <StartSeg> <EndSeg> [#keyPerFrame] [#saveSubAnimControllers] [#saveMaxObjects] [#saveSelectedMaxObjects node_array] [#saveSelectedSubAnimControllers node_array int_array ]
Save a biped motion file for the specified time segment. StartSeg and EndSeg are integer values specifying the begin and end frames of the time segment to save. This method will generate a runtime error if run while the biped is in Figure, Footstep, or Motion Flow modes.
The optional arguments are:
Saves a key per frame per object
Save MAX objects
Save List controllers
#saveSelectedMaxObjects #saveSelectedSubAnimControllers
The saveBipFile and saveBipFileSegment functions in 3ds Max7 and higher let you selectively pick objects and subanims to save.
For the selected objects, you pass in an array of strings of the nodes you wish to save. For the subanims you wish to save you pass in an array of biped nodes and an array of corresponding subanim integers.
biped.loadBipFileDlg <biped_ctrl>
Displays the load biped dialog.
biped.saveBipFileDlg <biped_ctrl>
Displays the save biped dialog.
biped.LoadFigFile <biped_ctrl> <filename> [#noRedraw]
Load a Figure file. Figure mode must be active to load a Figure file. Figure files allow you to apply the structure of one biped to another. Reload a Figure file if you accidentally lose your biped Figure mode pose; this pose is the biped fitted to a mesh.
The optional argument is:
#noRedraw - don’t redraw viewports after load
biped.loadFigJustTwists <biped_ctrl><filename> [#noRedraw]
Load just the Twists from a Figure file. Figure mode must be active to load a Figure file. Corresponds to the radio button option "Load Twist Poses Only" in the Load Figure file dialog.
biped.loadFigNoTwists <biped_ctrl><filename> [#noRedraw]
Load a Figure file without the Twists. Figure mode must be active to load a Figure file. Corresponds to the radio button option "Don't Load Twist Poses" in the Load Figure file dialog.
biped.SaveFigFile <biped_ctrl> <filename>
Save the structure and position of a biped in Figure mode.
biped.LoadStpFile <biped_ctrl> <filename> [#noRedraw]
Step files save footsteps, but don't save body keyframes. They are an ASCII file format that enables developers to write programs that generate step files for biped motion. The online document stp.rtf, provided with character studio in the \cstudio\docs directory, describes the .stp format.
The optional argument is:
#noRedraw - don’t redraw viewports after load
biped.SaveStpFile <biped_ctrl> <filename>
Save footstep file.
biped.loadMocapFile <biped_ctrl> <file_name> [#prompt] [#noRedraw]
Load a motion capture (.BIP, .BVH, .CSM) file. If.
The optional arguments are:
#prompt - the file is not automatically loaded, rather the Motion Capture Conversion Parameters dialog is displayed with the specified file as the motion capture file
#noRedraw - don’t redraw viewports after load
biped.adjustTalentPose <biped_ctrl>
After loading a marker file, use Adjust Talent Pose to correct the biped position relative to the markers. Align the biped limbs to the markers then call biped. adjustTalentPose to compute this offset for all the loaded marker data.
biped.saveTalentFigFile <biped_ctrl> <file_name>
After changing the biped scale in Talent Figure mode, save the changes into a .fig file. Use this file in the Motion Capture Conversion Parameters dialog to adjust marker files created by the same actor.
biped.saveTalentPoseFile <biped_ctrl> <file_name>
Save a Talent Pose adjustment as a .cal file.
Save a .cal file after adjusting the biped relative to the markers. A .cal file is used for processing marker files that require the same adjustment. A .cal file can be loaded in the Motion Capture Conversion Parameters dialog during marker file importation.