Biped Twist Poses

biped.createTwistPose <biped_ctrl>      

Creates a new twist pose for the specified biped limb.Corresponds to the "Add" button in the UI.

<integer>biped.numTwistPoses <biped_ctrl>   

Returns the number of twist poses in the specified biped limb.

biped.setTwistPose <biped_ctrl><pose_index> 

Sets the twist pose in the specified biped limb to the indexed pose. Corresponds to the "Set" button in the UI.

biped.setDefaultTwistPoses <biped_ctrl> 

Resets the twist poses in the specified biped limb to the default poses and values, removes custom poses. Corresponds to pressing the "Default" button in the UI.

<float>biped.getTwistPoseTwist <biped_ctrl> <pose_index> 

Returns the twist value of the indexed twist pose in the specified biped limb.

biped.setTwistPoseTwist <biped_ctrl> <pose_index> <float_value> 

Sets the twist value of the indexed twist pose in the specified biped limb to the given floating point value.

<float>biped.getTwistPoseBias <biped_ctrl> <pose_index> 

Returns the bias value of the indexed twist pose in the specified biped limb.

biped.setTwistPoseBias <biped_ctrl> <pose_index> <float_value> 

Sets the bias value of the indexed twist pose in the specified biped limb to the given floating point value.

<name>biped.getTwistPoseName <biped_ctrl> <pose_index> 

Returns the name of the indexed twist pose in the specified biped limb as a name value.

biped.setTwistPoseName <biped_ctrl> <pose_index> <name_or_string> 

Sets the name of the indexed twist pose in the specified biped limb to the given string or name value.

biped.deleteTwistPose <biped_ctrl> <pose_index> 

Deletes the indexed twist pose for the specified biped limb.Corresponds to the "Delete" button in the UI.