<boolean>biped.getEulerActive <biped_ctrl>
Returns true if the biped is set to use Euler, false if set to use Quaternions.Corresponds to the radio button selectionin the "Quaternion/Euler" rollout of the UI.
biped.setQuaternionActive <biped_ctrl>
Sets the Biped controllers to use Quaternions. Corresponds to selecting "Quaternion" in the "Quaternion/Euler" rollout of the UI.
biped.setEulerActive <biped_ctrl>
Sets the Biped controllers to useEulers. Corresponds to selecting "Quaternion" in the "Quaternion/Euler" rollout of the UI.
<enum>biped.getEulerOrder <biped_ctrl>
Returns the Euler Order as a name value. Possible values are#xyz,#xzy,#yzx,#yxz,#zxy,#zyx. Corresponds to the drop-down list in the"Quaternion/Euler"rollout of the UI.
biped.setEulerOrder<biped_ctrl> <enum>
Sets the Euler Order using the enum name. Possible values are#xyz,#xzy,#yzx,#yxz,#zxy,#zyx. Corresponds to the drop-down list in the"Quaternion/Euler"rollout of the UI.