Avoid_Behavior - superclass: ReferenceTarget; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 18:0 - classID: #(1071803969, 1253206116)
Avoid_Behavior ... AvoidBehavior ...
<Avoid_Behavior>.brakePressure Floatdefault: 2.0 -- animatable; float; Brake_Pressure
Determines how strongly the brakes are applied. Higher values induce more gradual and slower stops, but may cause brakes to "pump" in order to slow down.
<Avoid_Behavior>.detourAngle Floatdefault: 360.0 -- animatable; float; Detour_Angle
Maximum necessary turning angle relative to the direction of delegate's goal that the delegate will steer to avoid rather than slow down and wait.
<Avoid_Behavior>.displayForce BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; Display_Force
When true, force exerted on the delegate(s) by the Avoid behavior is drawn in the viewports as a vector during the simulation solution.
<Avoid_Behavior>.forceColor Colordefault: (color 255 0 0) -- RGB color; Force_Color
Sets the color used to draw the Avoid force vector during the solution.
<Avoid_Behavior>.hardRadius Floatdefault: 1.0 -- animatable; float; Hard_Radius
Distance from center of the delegate(s), where no penetration should occur.
<Avoid_Behavior>.lookAhead Integerdefault: 30 -- animatable; integer; Look_Ahead
The number of frames in advance of the current frame that the software looks for potential collisions.
<Avoid_Behavior>.name Stringdefault: "Avoid" -- string
The name of the behavior.
<Avoid_Behavior>.obstacles ArrayParameter default: #() -- node array; SubAnim
Any object or objects that the delegates must keep away from. See Notes below.
<Avoid_Behavior>.repelFalloff Floatdefault: 3.0 -- animatable; float; Repel_Falloff
Higher values cause the repel to fall off to zero more rapidly with distance, thus focusing its effect closer to the delegate's hard radius.
<Avoid_Behavior>.repelRadius Floatdefault: 3.0 -- animatable; float; Repel_Radius
Distance from hard radius of delegate where "repel" avoidance is sensed and carried out.
<Avoid_Behavior>.repelStrength Floatdefault: 0.2 -- animatable; float; Repel_Strength
Determines the strength of the repelling force; higher values result in greater repulsion force.
<Avoid_Behavior>.showHardRadius BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Show_Hard_Radius
Enables display of a wireframe sphere that depicts the extent of the .hardRadius setting.
<Avoid_Behavior>.showLookAhead BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Show_Look_Ahead
When true, displays a sphere that shows the current distance used to check for potential collisions.
<Avoid_Behavior>.showPotentialCols BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Show_Potential_Collisions
When true, displays a green line from the delegate to the location of a potential collision.
<Avoid_Behavior>.showRepelActivity BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Show_Repel_Activity
When true, displays a white line between the delegate and target when the repel force is in effect.
<Avoid_Behavior>.showRepelRadius BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Show_Repel_Radius
When true, displays a wireframe sphere that depicts the extent of the .repelRadius setting.
<Avoid_Behavior>.vfieldFalloff Floatdefault: 8.0 -- animatable; float; Vector_Field_Falloff
Higher values cause vector field influence to fall off to zero more rapidly with distance, thus focusing its effect closer to the delegate's hard radius.
<Avoid_Behavior>.vfieldStrength Floatdefault: 1.0 -- animatable; float;Vector_Field_Avoid_Strength
Higher values result in more severe influence. Delegates will be directed to move perpendicular to the field.
You can perform the following MAXScript operations:
deleteitem <array> <itemnumber><array> = #(item,item...)<array> = append <array> <item>
on all of the properties containing an ArrayParameter of objects listed below. You can also undo/redo these operations.
The following MAXScript operations will cause Crowd to fail, either right away or later:
NEVER set a Crowd/Behavior ArrayParameter element to undefined.