SurfDeform - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - classID: #(1950247845, 1970939916)
surfDeform ...
<SurfDeform>.surface Node default: undefined
The surface used to apply deformation.
<SurfDeform>.U_Percent Float default: 50.0 -- animatable, percentage
Moves the object along the U (horizontal) axis of the gizmo patch, based on a percentage of the U distance. This defaults to a setting of 50 percent, which places the object at the center of the gizmo patch. A setting of 0 percent places the object at the left edge of the gizmo patch, as seen from the viewport where the patch was created.
<SurfDeform>.U_Stretch Float default: 1.0 -- animatable
Scales the object along the U (horizontal) axis of the gizmo patch.
<SurfDeform>.V_Percent Float default: 50.0 -- animatable, percentage
Moves the object along the V (vertical) axis of the gizmo patch, based on a percentage of the V distance. A setting of 0 percent places the object at the bottom of the gizmo patch.
<SurfDeform>.V_Stretch Float default: 1.0 -- animatable
Scales the object along the V (vertical) axis of the gizmo patch.
<SurfDeform>.rotation Float default: 0.0 -- animatable, angle
Rotates the modified object with respect to the gizmo patch.
<SurfDeform>.Plane_to_Patch_Deform Integer default: 0
Choose a two-axis plane of the object to make parallel with the XY plane of the gizmo patch:
0- XY
1- YZ
2- ZX
<SurfDeform>.Flip_deformation_axis Integer default: 0
When on, reverses the gizmo direction.
0- Don’t flip
1- Flip
<SurfDeform>.gizmo SubAnim
At this sub-object level, you can transform and animate the gizmo like any other object, altering the effect of the modifier. The PatchDeform gizmo is a representation of the deforming patch object, so transforming it determines which part of the patch affects the modified object.
<SurfDeform.Gizmo>.position Point3 default: [0,0,0] -- animatable
The position of the surfdeform gizmo.
<SurfDeform.Gizmo>.rotation Quat default: (quat 0 0 0 1) -- animatable
The rotation of the surfdeform gizmo.
<SurfDeform.Gizmo>.scale Point3 default: [1,1,1] -- animatable
The scale of the surfdeform gizmo.