CreaseSet - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 13:0 - classID: #(1874600602, -805078837)
Exposes the CreaseSet modifier to MAXScript. Available in 3ds Max 2016 and higher.
CreaseSet ...
CreaseSetMod ...
<CreaseSet>.ignoreBackfacing BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Ignore_Backfacing
Gets/sets the state of the Ignore Backfacing checkbox.
<CreaseSet>.angleselecttype Integer default: 0 -- integer
Gets/sets the selection of the Face Angle Selection Type drop-down list.
This setting controls how the Face Angle range is specified in the UI and in MAXScript.
Possible values are:
0 - +/- mode - the Face Angle range is specified using a base angle and a plus/minus tolerance value relative to it. For example, if the .anglea
is 90.0 and .angleb
is 5.0, Face Angles between 85.0 and 95.0 degrees will be used to select edges.
1 - A/B mode - the Face Angle range is specified using the minimum and maximum values of the range. In the above example, .anglea
will be 85.0 and .angleb
will be 95.0.
<CreaseSet>.anglea Float default: 90.0 -- float; SelectAngle
Gets/sets the base angle value when .angleselecttype
is set to 0.
Gets/sets the minimum angle value when .angleselecttype
is set to 1.
Note that the value of this property will change depending on the .angleselecttype
property value. For example, if .angleselecttype
is set to 0 and .anglea
is 90.0, and .angleb
is changed from 5.0 to 10.0, switching .angleselecttype
to 1 will show .anglea
as 80.0 now and .angleb
as 100.0.
<CreaseSet>.angleb Float default: 5.0 -- float; PlusMinusAngle
Gets/sets the angle +/- variation value when .angleselecttype
is set to 0.
Gets/sets the maximum angle value when .angleselecttype
is set to 1.
Note that the value of this property will change depending on the .angleselecttype
property value. For example, if .angleselecttype
is set to 0 and .anglea
is 90.0, and .angleb
is changed from 5.0 to 10.0, switching .angleselecttype
to 1 will show .anglea
as 80.0 now and .angleb
as 100.0.
To actually perform the Select By Face Angle operation, you can use the <CreaseSet>.DoSelectByAngle()
method exposed by the CreaseSetMod
MixinInterface documented further on this page.
<CreaseSet>.creasesetcrease ArrayParameter default: #() -- float array
Gets/sets the array of Creases in the Crease Set.
<CreaseSet>.creasesetname ArrayParameter default: #() -- string array
Gets/sets the array of Crease Names in the Crease Set.
<CreaseSet>.creasesettype ArrayParameter default: #() -- int array
Gets/sets the array of Crease Types in the Crease Set.
<CreaseSet>.creasesetselect ArrayParameter default: #() -- int array
Gets/sets the array of Crease selected states in the Crease Set.
<CreaseSet>.creasesetcolor ArrayParameter default: #() -- RGB color array
Gets/sets the array of Crease Colors in the Crease Set.
<CreaseSet>.displaySetColors BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Gets/sets the state of the Display Crease Set Colors option.
When set to True, the Crease Sets will use the defined colors.
When set to False (default), no colors will be displayed.
<CreaseSet>.autoSelectNodes BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Gets/sets the state of the Auto-Select Nodes option.
<CreaseSet>.tolerance Float default: 0.01 -- float
Gets/sets the value of the Tolerance option.
<CreaseSet>.keepExistingSets BooleanClass default: true -- boolean
Gets/sets the state of the Keep Existing Sets option.
When set to True (default), adding new Crease Sets will preserve the existing Crease Sets.
When set to False, adding new Crease Sets will replace the existing Crease Sets.
Interface: CreaseSetMod
No properties exposed.
Shrinks the selection.
Equivalent to pressing the "Shrink" button in the modifier's User Interface.
Grows the selection.
Equivalent to pressing the "Grow" button in the modifier's User Interface.
Selects rings based on the current selection.
Equivalent to pressing the "Ring" button in the modifier's User Interface.
Selects loops based on the current selection.
Equivalent to pressing the "Loop" button in the modifier's User Interface.
Performs the Select by Face Angle operation, selecting edges based on the .anglea
, .angleb
, and .angleselecttype
properties documented earlier on this page.
Equivalent to pressing the "Select" button in the modifier's User Interface.
Equivalent to pressing the "All" button in the modifier's User Interface.
Equivalent to pressing the "None" button in the modifier's User Interface.
Equivalent to pressing the "Invert" button in the modifier's User Interface.
<boolean><CreaseSet>.CreateSet <string>name
Equivalent to pressing the "Create Set" button in the modifier's User Interface.
Equivalent to pressing the "Select All Nodes" button in the modifier's User Interface.
Generates Crease Sets automatically based on the tolerance
Equivalent to pressing the "Auto-Generate" button in the modifier's User Interface.
<boolean><CreaseSet>.MakeUniqueSetName <string>namein <integer>type <&string>nameout
nameout is Out parameter
Creates a Crease Set with a unique name using the base name specified by the first parameter and the type specified by the second parameter. The resulting unique name will be written out in the by-reference third parameter.
Returns True on success, False on failure.
<index><CreaseSet>.GetSetIndex <string>name
Returns the index of the named Crease Set.
<boolean><CreaseSet>.SelectSet <string>name
Selects the named Crease Set.
Returns True on success, False on failure.
Returns the number of selected Crease Sets as an integer.
Returns the number of empty Crease Sets as an integer.
Returns the number of all Crease Sets as an integer.
<boolean><CreaseSet>.GetSetNameByIndex <index>index <&string>nameout
nameout is Out parameter
Writes the name of the indexed Crease Set into the by-reference Out second argument.
Returns True on success, False on failure.
<boolean><CreaseSet>.SelectSetElements <string>name
Selects the name Crease Set's elements.
Returns True on success, False on failure.
<boolean><CreaseSet>.AddSelectionToSet <string>name
Adds the current selection to the named Crease Set.
Returns True on success, False on failure.
<boolean><CreaseSet>.SubtractSelectionFromSet <string>name
Subtracts the current selection from the named Crease Set.
Returns True on success, False on failure.
<boolean><CreaseSet>.UpdateSetFromSelection <string>name
Updates the named Crease Set to the current selection, overwriting the existing definition.
Returns True on success, False on failure.
<boolean><CreaseSet>.RenameSet <string>oldName <string>newName
Renames the Crease Set with the name specified by the first argument to the name specified by the second argument.
Returns True on success, False on failure.
<boolean><CreaseSet>.DeleteCreaseSet <string>name
Deletes the named Crease Set.
Returns True on success, False on failure.
Deletes the selected Crease Sets.
Returns True if selected Sets were deleted, False if no Sets were deleted.
Deletes the Empty Crease Sets.
Returns True if empty Sets were deleted, False if no Sets were deleted.
<integer><CreaseSet>.CountSetElements <string>name
Returns the number of elements in the named Crease Set.
<integer><CreaseSet>.GetSetType <string>name
Returns the type of the named Crease Set.
Returns the number of Auto-Crease Set.
<boolean><CreaseSet>.SetVertSelection <bitArray>selection <node>node
Sets the CreaseSet modifier's Vertex Selection to the bitArray provided by the first argument, on the base node specified by the second argument.
<boolean><CreaseSet>.GetVertSelection <node>node <&bitArray>selout
selout is Out parameter
Writes the CreaseSet modifier's Vertex Selection to the bitArray provided by the second by-reference Out parameters, using the base node specified by the first argument.
<boolean><CreaseSet>.SetEdgeSelection <bitArray>selection <node>node
Sets the CreaseSet modifier's Edge Selection to the bitArray provided by the first argument, on the base node specified by the second argument.
<boolean><CreaseSet>.GetEdgeSelection <node>node <&bitArray>selout
selout is Out parameter
Writes the CreaseSet modifier's Edge Selection to the bitArray provided by the second by-reference Out parameters, using the base node specified by the first argument.
Returns the number of vertex sets.
Returns the number of edge sets.
No actions exposed.