Path_Deform2 : Modfier

Path_Deform2 - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 34:0 - classID: #(2714319044L, 2976936815L)

Available in 3ds Max 2018.2 and higher: An improved modifier that replaces the PathDeform WSM. This modifier includes driven rotation and scale parameters.



General Properties

<Path_Deform2>.Spline UndefinedClass default: undefined -- node; 

The spline node that represents the path.

<Path_Deform2>.percent_along_path Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float; Percent

The point along the path at which the deformed object is placed, as a percent of the overall spline length.

<Path_Deform2>.Uniform BooleanClass default: true -- Boolean

When true, the percent along the path value is calculated based on overall spline length, when false, the distance between knots is used.

<Path_Deform2>.Stretch Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float

The amount to stretch the deformed node, where 1.0 = 100%.

<Path_Deform2>.auto_stretch BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; AutoStretch

If true, a stretch amount is applied that stretches the node the full length of the path.

<Path_Deform2>.auto_amount Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float; AutoAmount

The percent of the calculated auto stretch amount to apply; a value of 1.0 is the full amount.

<Path_Deform2>.UsePivotPont BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; UsePivotPoint

Gets or sets whether to use the pivot point rather than the origin as the point to use for constraining to the path.

<Path_Deform2>.PreserveForm BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean

Gets or sets whether to preserve the original node form. When true, the node is not deformed along the path, but simply has its origin constrained to the path.

Path Deform Axis Parameters

<Path_Deform2>.axis Integer default: 2 -- radiobtnIndex

The path deform axis, where:

<Path_Deform2>.Flip BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean

If true, flips the node on the path along the path deform axis.

Up Vector Parameters

<Path_Deform2>.UpVector Integer default: 0 -- radiobtnIndex

The up vector method, where:

<Path_Deform2>.LookAtNode UndefinedClass default: undefined -- node

When UpVector is 2, specifies a scene node to Look At.

<Path_Deform2>.UseNormal BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean

Indicates whether to use the spline normal to determine the up direction.

Rotation Parameters

<Path_Deform2>.RotationAxis Integer default: 2 -- radiobtnIndex

The axis of rotation, where:

<Path_Deform2>.rotation Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float

The rotation amount.

<Path_Deform2>.twist Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float

The twist amount - the rotation applied to one end of the node.

Offset Parameters

<Path_Deform2>.MoveBeforeRotation BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean

Gets or sets whether the offset is applied before rotation.

<Path_Deform2>.x_offset Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float; XOffset
<Path_Deform2>.y_offset Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float; YOffset
<Path_Deform2>.z_offset Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float; ZOffset

Gets or sets the offset amount in the x, y, and z directions.

Across Shapes Parameters

<Path_Deform2>.AcrossShapes Integer default: 0 -- radiobtnIndex

The Across Shapes setting, where:

<Path_Deform2>.Loopback BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean

Makes the deformed object loop back to the beginning of the spline.

Material ID Parameters

<Path_Deform2>.AdoptMatID BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean

Gets / sets whether to adopt the underlying spline's Material ID. In the case of multiple splines, the RoundMatID value is used to calculate the material ID.

<Path_Deform2>.RoundMatID Integer default: 0 -- radiobtnIndex

The material ID rounding method, when AdoptMatId is true, where:

Texture Co-ordinates Parameters

<Path_Deform2>.Apply_U BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; ApplyU
<Path_Deform2>.Apply_V BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; ApplyV
<Path_Deform2>.Apply_W BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; ApplyW

Allows overwritting the texture U, V, and W coordinates based on the percent along the spline of the object's vertex.

<Path_Deform2>.channel Integer default: 1 -- integer

The texture coordinates channel.

Driven Rotation and Scale Parameters

<Path_Deform2>.RotationEnable BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean

Gets or sets whether driven rotation is enabled.

<Path_Deform2>.rotationCurve     CurveControl    default: ReferenceTarget:CurveControl   --  maxObject; SubAnim

A curve that defines how driven rotation is applied along the spline. It has one property, .Curve_1, of type MAXCurve.

<Path_Deform2>.DrivingRotScale Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float

Gets or sets a rotation scale factor to apply to the object.

<Path_Deform2>.ScaleEnable     BooleanClass    default: false   --  boolean

Gets or sets whether to apply the driven scale value to the object.

<Path_Deform2>.DrivingScaleScale     Float    default: 1.0   --  animatable; float

Gets or sets a size scale factor to apply to the object.

<Path_Deform2>.scaleCurve     CurveControl    default: ReferenceTarget:CurveControl   --  maxObject; SubAnim

A curve that defines how driven scale is applied along the spline. It has one property, .Curve_1, of type MAXCurve.

Paramters not in the UI

<Path_Deform2>.AdaptiveUpVector BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; AdaptiveUpVector

Not used.