SplineMorph : Modifier

SplineMorph - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 34:0 - classID: #(1923908001L, 3670906845L)

Available in 3ds Max 2018.2 and higher: A modifier that morphs the modified spline into one or more target splines that have the same number of knots.




<SplineMorph>.amount Float default: 50.0 -- animatable; float

The amount of morph to apply as a percent from 0 - 100, when the MorphMethod is 0, "Progressive".

<SplineMorph>.invert BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean

Inverts the soft selection when Use_Softselection is true.

<SplineMorph>.MorphMethod Integer default: 0 -- integer

Gets or sets the morph method, where:

<SplineMorph>.Target[N] UndefinedClass default: undefined -- node; 

Gets or sets the morph target. There are 10 target slots, named Target1 to Target10. The morph target must have the same number of knots as the modified spline.

<SplineMorph>.TargetOn[N] BooleanClass default: true -- boolean

Gets or sets whether the corresponding Target is used. There are 10 slots, named TargetOn1 to TargetOn10.

<SplineMorph>.TargetWeight[N] Float default: 100.0 -- animatable; float; TargetAmount1

Gets or sets the blend weight, as a percent, for the target, when the morph method is "Blended". There are 10 slots, named TargetWeight1 to TargetWeight10.

<SplineMorph>.Use_Softselection BooleanClass default: true -- boolean; UseSoftselection

Uses the soft selection value to weight the morph value.