SplineMirror - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 7:1 - classID: #(1923908001L, 199498350L)
Available in 3ds Max 2018.2 and higher: A modifier that mirrors a spline.
<SplineMirror>.axis Integer default: 0 -- integer
The mirror axis, where:
<SplineMirror>.Flip BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean
If true, the symmetry effect is inverted.
<SplineMirror>.Mirror SubAnim default: SubAnim:Mirror -- transform;
The mirrored spline gizmo. See below.
<SplineMirror>.ShowKnots BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
If true, the spline's knots are show in the viewport.
<SplineMirror>.slice BooleanClass default: true -- Boolean
When true, causes the mirror gizmo to act as a slice plane when it is inside the spline.
<SplineMirror>.tangents BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean
When true, the mirror uses the outgoing tangents to create a smooth segment between the endpoints. This parameter is only used when weld is true.
<SplineMirror>.threshold Float default: 0.1 -- animatable; float
The threshold for welding vertices along the mirror axis, when weld is true.
<SplineMirror>.weld BooleanClass default: true -- Boolean
Determines whether vertices within the specified threshold are welded along the mirror axis.
SplineMirror.Mirror - superclass: MAXObject; super-superclass:Value - 3:3 - classID: #(8197L, 0L)
The mirrored spline gizmo. The position and rotation of the gizmo affect the mirrored spline object.
<SplineMirror.Mirror>.Position Point3 default: [0,0,0] -- animatable; point3
Gets or sets the spline mirror gizmo position.
<SplineMirror.Mirror>.Rotation Quat default: (quat 0 0 0 1) -- animatable; quat
Gets or sets the spline mirror gizmo rotation matrix.
<SplineMirror.Mirror>.Scale Point3 default: [1,1,1] -- animatable; point3
Gets or sets the spline mirror gizmo size. Note that this parameter does not affect the size of the mirrored spline object.
-- create a spline, add a mirror modifier
c = circle()
sm = SplineMirror()
addmodifier c sm
-- offset the mirrored spline
sm.mirror.pos = [-15,0,0]