SplineOverlap : Modifier

SplineOverlap - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 5:0 - classID: #(1923908001L, 3670906846L)

Available in 3ds Max 2018.2 and higher: A modifier that raises the parts of a spline that overlaps itself so that they do not touch.




<SplineOverlap>.Drape Float default: 50.0 -- animatable; float

Defines the shape of the overlap - the higher the value, the steeper the slope of the drape.

<SplineOverlap>.ShowKnots BooleanClass default: false -- Boolean

Gets or sets whether to display the spline's knots in the viewport.

<SplineOverlap>.thickness Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float

Gets or sets the thickness of the offset applied at overlaps.

<SplineOverlap>.UseNormals BooleanClass default: true -- Boolean

Gets or sets whether to use knot normals to determine the "up" direction. This parameter is only applicable when the modifier is applied to a freehand spline drawn on top of an object. If normals are not present, the Z direction is used.

<SplineOverlap>.UseSelection BooleanClass default: true -- Boolean

When true, the overlap amount is scaled partially using soft selection values.