Renderable_Spline : Modifier

Renderable_Spline - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 11:0 - classID: #(-2122363625, -1949890742) 

This modifier was introduced in Autodesk VIZ 2005 as RendSpline : Modifier and is available in 3ds Max 7 and higher. It can be used to procedurally turn an incoming spline shape from the modifier stack into a renderable mesh. It is also used internally when linking DWG files.


Renderable_Spline ... RendSpline ... 


<Renderable_Spline>.Renderable BooleanClass default: true -- boolean 

Toggle the "Enable In Renderer" checkbox on and off. When set to true, a mesh will be generated based on the underlying spline. When false, no mesh will be generated

<Renderable_Spline>.displayRenderSettings BooleanClass default: true -- boolean 

When on, displays the mesh generated by the render settings.

<Renderable_Spline>.useViewportSettings BooleanClass default: false -- boolean 

When set to true, displays the mesh defined by the Viewport settings if .displayRenderSettings is set to true.

<Renderable_Spline>.mapcoords BooleanClass default: false -- boolean 

When set to true, mapping coordinates will be generated procedurally.The U coordinate wraps once around the thickness of the spline; the V coordinate is mapped once along the length of the spline.

When set to false, no mapping coordinates will be generated.

<Renderable_Spline>.ViewportOrRender Integer default: 1 -- radiobtnIndex 

Get/Set the "Viewport/Renderer" radio buttons.

0 - Viewport

1 - Renderer


<Renderable_Spline>.SymmetricalOrRectangular Integer default: 0 -- radiobtnIndex 

Get/Set the state of the Radial or Rectangular radio button for the renderer.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

Possible values are:

0 - Radial

1 - Rectangular

Renderer - Radial Cross-Section

<Renderable_Spline>.thickness Float default: 1.0 -- animatable; float 

Get/Set the thickness (diameter)of the radial cross-section in the renderer.

<Renderable_Spline>.sides Integer default: 12 -- animatable; integer 

Get/Set the number of sides of the radial cross-section in the renderer.

<Renderable_Spline>.angle Float default: 0.0 -- animatable; float 

Get/Set the rotational position of the cross-section in the renderer.

Renderer - Rectangular Cross-Section

<Renderable_Spline>.length Float default: 6.0 -- float 

Get/Set the length of the rectangular cross-section in the renderer.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

<Renderable_Spline>.width Float default: 2.0 -- float 

Get/Set the width of the rectangular cross-section in the renderer.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

<Renderable_Spline>.Angle2 Float default: 0.0 -- float; Angle_2 

Get/Set the angle of the rectangular cross-section in the renderer.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

<Renderable_Spline>.LockAspect BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Lock_Aspect 

Toggle the Aspect Lock on and off. Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.


<Renderable_Spline>.Viewport_SymmetricalOrRectangular Integer default: 0 -- radiobtnIndex 

Get/Set the state of the Radial or Rectangular radio button for the viewport.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

Possible values are:

0 - Radial

1 - Rectangular

Viewport - Radial Cross-Section

<Renderable_Spline>.Viewport_Thickness Float default: 1.0 -- float 

Get/Set the thickness (diameter)of the radial cross-section in the viewport.

<Renderable_Spline>.Viewport_Sides Integer default: 12 -- integer 

Get/Set the number of sides of the radial cross-section in the viewport.

<Renderable_Spline>.Viewport_Angle Float default: 0.0 -- float 

Get/Set the rotational position of the cross-section in the viewport.

Viewport - Rectangular Cross-Section

<Renderable_Spline>.Viewport_Length Float default: 6.0 -- float 

Get/Set the length of the rectangular cross-section in the viewport.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

<Renderable_Spline>.Viewport_Width Float default: 2.0 -- float 

Get/Set the width of the rectangular cross-section in the viewport.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

<Renderable_Spline>.Viewport_Angle2 Float default: 0.0 -- float 

Get/Set the angle of the rectangular cross-section in the viewport.Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

<Renderable_Spline>.Viewport_LockAspect BooleanClass default: false -- boolean; Viewport_Lock_Aspect 

Toggle the Aspect Lock on and off. Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.

Auto Smooth

<Renderable_Spline>.Autosmooth BooleanClass default: true -- boolean 

Toggle Auto Smooth on and off.

<Renderable_Spline>.Threshold Float default: 30.0 -- angle 

Get/Set the Auto Smooth Threshold value.




.realWorldMapSize: boolean : Read|Write 

Enables/disables the real-world map size option.

Available in 3ds Max 8 and higher.