SplineRelax - superclass: modifier; super-superclass:MAXWrapper - 7:0 - classID: #(1923908001L, 3670906844L)
Available in 3ds Max 2018.2 and higher: A modifier that relaxes (smooths) splines according to various parameters.
<SplineRelax>.amount Float default: 0.1 -- animatable;float
The relax amount to apply for each iteration.
<SplineRelax>.iterations Integer default: 1 -- animatable; integer
The number of times to apply the relax function.
<SplineRelax>.Knots BooleanClass default: true -- Boolean
Gets or sets whether to apply the relax function to each knot.
<SplineRelax>.ShowKnots BooleanClass default: true -- Boolean
Gets or sets whether to display knots in the viewport.
<SplineRelax>.tangents BooleanClass default: true -- Boolean
Gets or sets whether to apply the relax function to the knot tangents.
<SplineRelax>.UseSelection BooleanClass default: true -- Boolean
Gets or sets whether to scale the relaxation amount based on the soft selection. If there is no soft selection, this parameter is ignored.