Torus_Knot : GeometryClass

Torus_Knot - superclass: GeometryClass; super-superclass:node - classID: #(1824, 0) 




<Torus_Knot>.Base_Curve Integer default: 0 

Select the base curve for the Torus Know object:

0 - Knot (The torus interweaves itself.)

1 - Circle (The base curve is a circle, resulting in a standard torus if parameters are left at their defaults.)

<Torus_Knot>.radius Float default: 0.0 -- animatable 

The radius of the base curve.

<Torus_Knot>.segments Integer default: 120 -- animatable 

The number of segments around the perimeter of the torus.

<Torus_Knot>.p Float default: 2.0 -- animatable 

Describe up and around-the-center winding numbers.

<Torus_Knot>.q Float default: 3.0 -- animatable 

Describe down and around-the-center winding numbers.

<Torus_Knot>.Warp_Count Float default: 0.0 -- animatable 

The number of "points" in a star shape around the curve.

<Torus_Knot>.Warp_Height Float default: 0.0 -- animatable 

The height of the "points" given as a percentage of the base curve radius.

<Torus_Knot>.radius2 Float default: 10.0 -- animatable 

The radius of the cross section of the torus knot object.

<Torus_Knot>.sides Integer default: 12 -- animatable 

The number of sides around the cross section.

<Torus_Knot>.Eccentricity Float default: 1.0 -- animatable 

The ratio of the major to minor axes of the cross section.

A value of 1 provides a circular cross section, while other values create elliptical cross sections.

<Torus_Knot>.Twist Float default: 0.0 -- animatable 

The number of times the cross section twists around the base curve.

<Torus_Knot>.Lumps Float default: 0.0 -- animatable 

The number of bulges in the torus knot.

<Torus_Knot>.Lump_Height Float default: 0.0 -- animatable 

The height of the lumps, as a percentage of the radius of the cross section.

<Torus_Knot>.Lump_Offset Float default: 0.0 -- animatable, angle 

The offset of the start of the lumps, measured in degrees.

The purpose of this value is to animate the lumps around the torus.

<Torus_Knot>.smooth Integer default: 2 

Set smoothing in the torus knot:

0 - None (The torus knot is faceted.)

1 - Sides (Smoothes only the adjacent sides of the torus knot.)

2 - All (The torus knot is faceted.)

<Torus_Knot>.Gen_UV  Integer default: 0 

Turn on/off generate mapping coordinates

0 - Off

1 - On

<Torus_Knot>.U_Tile Float default: 1.0 -- animatable 

Tile the mapping coordinates along U.

<Torus_Knot>.V_Tile Float default: 1.0 -- animatable 

Tile the mapping coordinates along V.

<Torus_Knot>.U_Offset Float default: 0.0 -- animatable 

Offset the mapping coordinates along U.

<Torus_Knot>.V_Offset Float default: 0.0 -- animatable 

Offset the mapping coordinates along V.