Seat - superclass: GeometryClass; super-superclass:node - 5:0 - classID: #(983045944, 1380982924)
Instances of the Seat GeometryClass provide targets for the characters seating feature of the Populate toolset. Available in 3ds Max 2015 and higher.
<Seat>.gender Integer default: 1 -- radiobtnIndex; 0_male__1_female
Get/set the state of the "Gender" radio buttons controlling the gender of the Populate characters to use this seat.
Possible values are:
0 - Male
1 - Female (default)
<Seat>.height Float default: 18.0 -- float
Get/set the Height of the Seat in system units.
<Seat>.single BooleanClass default: false -- boolean
Get/set the state of the "Single" checkbox.
<Seat>.id Integer default: 23 -- integer;
Get the ID of the Seat.
Not exposed in the UI.
<Seat>.motionSeed Integer default: 1 -- integer
Get/set the random seed for the motion.
Not exposed in the UI.